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Abstract 1

One of his approaches in creating themes for his work was to play with colors and form using pastels. (1961)

Abstract 2

Abstract 3

Abstract 4

Abstract 5

Abstract 6

This small pastel is one of the early exercises to get himself loosened up for the freedom he was about to embark on. It is done in oil. About 11” x 14”

Abstract in Motion

And She Cries

After his daughter died, Simon created this painting. It is a comprehensive study of his struggle, trying to understand the process of life and death. On the left side is an archangel backed closely up by the fires of Hell, handing off a halo to her, the eye dripping with blood and the jagged edge below it is the pain and torment he was having. To the right of the eye is her Soul reaching up for the dove to free her up and carry her away, off to the far right is the pain of life that she went through. Throughout the painting is a technique of layering color over color that he had recently developed, this gave the feeling of the transparency and fragility of life. The strong perspective design of the floor I believe was his way of keeping a mental perspective on this loss and his desperate attempt of trying to keep himself together.


Atomic Era

This painted a year or so before the Russians launched the first satellite “Sputnik” (1955). This painting speaks to a profound future vision of what our world was heading toward. Simon was gifted with the ability to perceive future events.


Here he is experimenting with graphic design as well as color in motion. Using these he was able to create a good example that depicts flight or the breaking through of the sound barrier. Simon was always fascinated with the whole subject of space and time.


A life time of searching led to this final painting (Creation). This painting was his view of the reality of god, as his life’s journey was nearly complete.

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